Manka Highbrow

Manka Highbrow Film Library

2020 - 2029

Meander, Texas (2020) - Terrence Malick's cousin Greg makes his directorial debut following a trio of scrappy musicians on a dream-like tour of honky-tonks in the Lone Star State. In his four-hour masterpiece, Malick employs state-of-the-art-out-of-focus camera technology and groundbreaking tangential storytelling.

Heartstrings (2020) - A seeing-eye dog is slowly losing his sight. His owner is slowly regaining his sight. As the dog goes blind and the man begins to see - they never see each other. [Probably the saddest movie ever made.]

Drawn To The Yellow Light (2020) - A lonely, social dysfunctional travel insurance underwriter from Las Vegas tries to find new love on a diary farm in northern Denmark. [Based on the Manka Books novel 'The Light of Skagen.']

[THE REST OF THE 2020 SLATE WAS SUSPENDED DUE TO #COVID19 #PANDEMIC] - See our Manka Highbrow 2021 Slate for what's coming this year.

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