Manka Bros Television Library
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Red, Blue Or Green (1959) - Game show that was quickly popular with the introduction of color television. If you had a black & white set you had no idea what was "Red, Blue or Green."

Getting Intimate (1958) - Twister house-party with crazy jazz music! "Left foot green!"

The Betty Crocker Housekeeping Challenge (1957) - Husbands secretly submit their wives whose homes are unexpectedly inspected.

Monopoly (1954) - Live action. Before a live audience - using real money and real property.

Edgar Casey: Prophet Or Profit (1953) - Game show based on the successful Manka Bros. radio show. Does Edgar Casey, the prophet from Kentucky, know the answers before they're asked?

The Lucky Strike Flavor Race (1953) - It's a race to see who can smoke the most cigarettes before the end of the show.

Harry Manka's "Wife For A Day" (1953) - Weekly nation-wide contest to find a wife for Manka Bros. Studios President Harry Manka (for one day only) before they return to their dull, uninteresting lives out in the sticks.

I Am John Gault (1952) - Inspired by the catch phrase from Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged," contestants try to convince blindfolded celebrities who the real John Galt is.



A Penny For Your Thoughts (1949) - What is America thinking? Manka Bros. will pay you to tell them.

Back Of The Line (1942) - Radio game show in which mothers of G.I.s compete to win less dangerous assignments for their sons during World War II.



Monopoly (1936) - Radio version of the classic game.

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